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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family Times

I guess my absolute favorite times are when all our family is together...we got to spend lots of family time over Easter. Amy and family were here for 3 days...ALL the kids and grandkids were here on Sat. Everyone gathered at our home and we had a "photograper" from Teen Mania come and capture our family picture. Yes, here we all are! I just love having everyone come...we didn't do lots of fancy cooking this time so it was pretty relaxing. The day was beautiful and the kids got to play outside.
Everyone headed home pretty much after lunch on Easter needed naps, Smiths needed to get back home to Little Elm- but Sam and Lisa stayed and helped us with the "clean Up"- and then for a boat ride and later for some cards. It was a wonderful weekend!

This past week we spent 4 days in Dallas- at our Home based business convention- Mannafest- the annual gathering of Mannatech. This is a nutritional supplement company which has been a blessing for us in our health and income. We were pleasantly suprised-after a year of doing nothing but gathering income checks each month- to have been awarded a Dell laptop computer. Thanks to all our downlline. We want to get busy again and share the message of this great company. You can visit our website at: for more information.
On Sat. morning we attended a marriage conference with Amy and Brian that was put on by their church. Dave Harvey taught from his book "When Sinners Say I Do". Great principles from the Bible about showing mercy to our spouse and acting in kindness when they sin against us. I highly recommend the book for all married couples in any stage of marriage. We are at 44 years, 9 months and 8 days and falling more deeply in love each day! All praise and credit to our wonderfully compassionate GOD! You can go to their church website and download the messages. Their church is Grace church- a Sovereign Grace church in Dallas/ Frisco. The messages are on a side bar "Marriage seminar."
I'm only encouraged my my site meter...seems as no one really wants to comment on my blog anymore. Is ANYONE reading this or just stopping by? I welcome comments so I know you are there. Thanks for everyone who takes time to "visit me". I love company!

Monday, March 17, 2008

St Pat and ...Rings...and BATTLECRY

Why the clover leaf? Legend has it that this Christian missionary used this to explain the Trinity to the people in Ireland. I found this information interesting:
He was a real, historical person born in 373 A.D. in Roman Britain.

Neither Patrick's date of death or birth are known with certainty. Tradition says that March 17 (St. Patrick's Day) is one of those dates, but there is no documentation to prove it.

He was not Irish, but a British Celt.

He was not a member of the Roman Catholic Church. His writings do not mention the Roman Catholic Church's doctrines about the Pope, Purgatory, Masses, or the virgin Mary. In his time, church leaders were allowed to marry.

He brought the true Gospel of Christ to the Irish as a Christian missionary-evangelist in or about 405 A.D.

He was a man who passionately pursued Jesus Christ in His lifetime. That is how I want to be remembered!

I know that Corned beef and cabbage don't have anything to do with this day but I still love them!

So...on another note...RINGS!...after completing the "Week of the Ring" and committing to a life of honor, the "August Interns" those first year interns who came last August, will receive their Honor ring tonight at the banquet.Mission Statement
Empowering Godly men and women to possess wisdom, vision, and discipline to excel as leaders whose lives advance the Kingdom. [3]

[edit] Internship program
Through weekly classes, small group sessions (C.O.R.E./CORPS Groups), and Life Transforming Events (LTEs) throughout the one year internship, strong emphasis is placed on developing one's character and living an honorable life before God and man. There are five core values by which interns and alumni have committed to live: Faith, Integrity, Relationships, Excellence and Vision.

Interns over the years have developed statements that express this commitment, such as "Once an intern, always an intern", "Semper Honorablus" and "Always honorable, for life."

" interns receive a ring to symbolize commitment to a lifelong pursuit of God. This ring is called the Honor Ring. In the past, the inscription on the ring was Hebrew for "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." This refers to the Academy's passionate pursuit of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Now, the ring bears the Honor Academy crest and says "Semper Honorablus."
This is just one more thing that I love about the Honor Academy and makes me proud and blessed to be a part of it. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

This past weeeknd we got to be a part of "BattleCry". Please check Lisa's blog below or click on Lisa in the side bar for pictures and a full description. OR...go to God is Good!