On my birthday- March 8- we drove 1/2 way to meet up with the Smith gang- just one hour away- and celebrated at a Mexican restaurant and later at WalMart with ice cream bars! That was fun.
We also celebrated with Sam and Lisa and Jon and Kelly a few days before this.
Later in the month we kept the 4 youngest Smith kids for a few days- one of them happening to be Dave's birthday!
March was also the month that I put on the high tea for the 300 Teen Mania ladies. Actually- GEorge Portan and Sarah Nicholas and HOlly Baily did all the work- Amy's girls- came and played in a string quartet- it was beautiful! Here are the 2 youngest of AMy's girls who came along for the event.
In April- after shopping the internet, E BAy, Craig's list all over the country- trying to find a truck camper- we finally found one in the Rochester, MN Craig's list! The camper was in Wisconsin- we called the guy on Wed., Thursday after work drove to Dallas to get a part for Sam to install on the truck so we could attach the camper- got back home by 9 and he worked until midnight- (he had to get up at 4 am. to fly out the next day! That is true love) THe next morning we went to Sam's club to buy new tires- while we were waiting for them to be installed we were paged back to automotive where they talked us out of buying them! So we got a refund and spent it on a Garmin! FINALLY at 2:30 p.m. on Friday we got on the road and pretty much drove straight through to LaCrosse WI.
We loved the camper- bought it- and headed over to Williams Bay. We got spent a few days with Nancy and Terry Welsh-
and WEndy and her children.
Also got to see Craig and Linda Curry (had breakfast at Millies)
An overnight stop in St. Louis on on our way to Oklahoma allowed me to spend some precious hours with my sister Sandy. Her husband Tom treated us to a WONDERFUL roast dinner! What a treat!
Oklahoma! Beaver's Bend State Park- we spent 4 days camping here with Sam and Lisa and family, Rex and Amy Albers, Russ Underwood and Joe Bellinger- we all work at Teen Mania.
We were glad to get home after our 10 day get away. Springtime in Texas is just the greatest- now Dave is off on his new project- building a garage to store all his tools, and equipment in. Sam actually will be doing the building! Dave's garden is up and we are eating radishes, lettuce and broccoli out of it already! The tomatoes are flowering and we are looking forward to lots of good veggies out of it. The nice thing about Texas is you get two gardening times- spring and fall garden!
So...that is the update on Dave and Marybeth Hasz! We are looking forward to summer- Lord willing, we hope to go to Colorado and then to Canada with Cindy and Dwight McAllister in July. Classes are winding down at Teen Mania. I believe Dave has only 4 classes left to teach and I plan to cut down my counseling time to two days during the summer plus take a month off. AHhhhhh...retirement is good! God is good! We are BLESSED!!!!!!
Just came back to show Sam all of the fun pictures you posted! He enjoyed seeing all the fun people you visited in Wisconsin. :)
Good to see you guys tonight! We always enjoy spending time with you!
And keep up the blogging! You still have readers, you know! ;)
I love reading your updates! You have such a full life!
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