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Monday, May 29, 2006

The Older Woman

“The older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to take care of their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.” Titus 2:4-5
Here I am in cyberspace entering the world of blogging. My sole intent here will to be a Titus 2, “older woman” primarily to my daughters, Amy (by birth), and my daughters in love-married to my sons- Jon’s wife, Kelly, David’s wife-Beth, and Sam’s wife- Lisa. They will all be referred to as my daughters in the future. I also want to write to my granddaughters who I pray will someday be the wives of godly men-Caitlin, Haley, Tori, Ashley, Ana, Abigail and Jordan. I have also had many other “daughters” along the way as I taught for several years in a Christian School and have had very close friends whom I was able to share the things that the Lord was teaching me. This is also for any other women who are aspiring to be Biblical woman and wanting to grow in that role which God has graciously assigned to them.
For the past 43 years I have been the wife and help-meet to Dave. After meeting him on a blind date in 1959 I fell in love with him almost immediately and four years later became his wife. Now, forty three years later, I am still learning how to be that Proverbs 31 kind of woman and God is patiently teaching me things I need to know in how to love my husband more and to be a Godly woman.
Over the years, and especially in the last few years as I’ve learned even more what it means to be a Titus 2 kind of wife I’ve wondered, “Where were the older women” as I was struggling in learning to be a wife and mom and manage a household? My mom lived far, far away and even though she had given me many skills while I was growing up I longed for an older woman to speak into my life and guide me along the way.
I don’t claim to be a perfect example by ANY stretch of the imagination as any of the above women can quickly tell you. I claim to have a perfect GOD and to be in contact with HIM on a daily basis and will pass on things that He has taught me and is teaching me even in this season of my life. I will look forward to hearing from anyone who is blessed by this communication.


Beth said...

Wow! These look great! It sure doesn't take you very long to figure out complicated things. I am so impressed. These sites will be fun to visit.

Unknown said...

Dearest Sister! This is GREAT! (Thank you BETH!) Can you believe it, I ALSO met my wonderful Tom on a blind date in 1963 and married him in 1964, so this year we celebrate our 42nd Anniversary! And I ALSO am still learning how to be a godly wife - I think the process is lifelong!
