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Wednesday, August 09, 2006


It’s late and I’m tired…but just wanted to share this really sweet moment from camp…Haley played her trumpet to help us rise each morning with Reveilee and put us to bed with Taps each night. It was so sweet!
( I just waited 10 min. for this picture...and NO picture!...maybe tomorrow!)

I also spent about 1/2 hour on the internet just trying to find out how to spell Reveille!!!

Reveille (Service Call) - Signals the troops to waken for the morning roll call. This call is also used to accompany the daily raising of the National Colors and/or United States Flag. Soldiers who are outdoors and hear this call should face the flag (or face the music if the flag is not in sight) and Present Arms (salute) whether in or out of uniform.


Lisa H said...

Very cute picture! What great memories you all will have from grandkids camp!

Beth said...

I keep a little concise dictionary next to my computer . . . old fashioned—but faster than the internet.